Tuesday 30 August 2011

Ganesh Chaturthi....

15 ways to celebrate an ECO-FRIENDLY Ganesh Chaturthi....
  1. Use Eco Friendly Ganesh idol
  2. Limit Size and number of Ganesh Idols in your community
  3. Save Energy
  4. Natural colors for Rangoli
  5. Eco friendly Decoration
  6. Ban Plastic
  7. Refrain from Noise Pollution
  8. Limit number of public pandals
  9. Artificial immersion tank
  10. Awareness on Green Ganesh or Eco-friendly Ganesh
  11. Compost pit for organic material
  12. Symbolic immersion
  13. 3Rs-Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
  14. Ban Ganesha made of Plaster of Paris or hazardous chemicals
  15. Form a group or team for celebrating Eco Friendly Ganesh festival in your neighborhood
Some pics of Eco friendly Ganesh idols made of.....


Betel nuts...!

and Coconut shells...!

Monday 29 August 2011

Global warming is any environmental change across the world due to various reasons. Some of these reasons are:- CFC gas released from refrigerators and air conditioners, Exhaust fumes released from automobiles , and other means of pollution. 
           Scientists have discovered 'black holes' in the Earth's Ozone Layer. They claim that this depletion of the ozone layer is a result of global warming. They have also declared that the sea level is rising. This is apparently happening due to the melting of ice in the Polar Ice caps which in turn is due to global warming.
            Reducing the use of fuels could largely contribute to saving our planet. Avoid use of automobiles for travelling short distances. Every time we use fossil fuels, greenhouse gases are emmited. Deforestation and use of Nitrogen Oxide in farming are also some of the causes. Also, industrial waste should be disposed safely. In this way, WE CAN SAVE OUR PLANET.                                                          
Swathi Nair

Friday 26 August 2011

Thursday 25 August 2011

Sand Mining is a coastal activity referring to the process of removing sand from foreshores such as rivers, streams and lakes. This activity is now often practiced as the demand for sand increases in industry and construction.
IN   INDIA – Sand Mining has become an environmental issue in India. Environmentalists have raised public awareness of illegal sand mining at various places in the country.
IMPACTS- Uncontrolled sand mining can lead to the destruction of the entire river system. If sand and gravel are extracted in quantities higher than the capacity of the rivers to replenish them, then it can result in changes in the channel form, physical habitats or the food webs, i.e. , it can upset the entire aquatic ecosystem. The removal of sand from riverbeds increases the velocity of the flowing water which eventually erodes river banks. Disturbances in the underwater or coastal sand cause turbidity which is harmful for certain organisms. It may also result in the destruction of many aquatic and riparian habitats. Many hectares of streamside fertile land are also lost annually. Sand mining transforms river beds into large and deep pits as a result of which the groundwater table drops and drinking water wells are left dry.
 Thus, I believe that Swami Nigamanand’s protest was for the right cause ! Save the Earth..

Open Drainage systems,
Human being do not realize,
Struggling and surviving human prefers
One day, nature will surely suffer.

Factories & industries releases harmful gases,
Unaware human being still careless
What will happen to the world?
This is my concern for tomorrow's world.

Increasing automobiles on rise
release dangerous carbon mono-oxide,
contributing pollution in day to day life,
Spoiling the nature, destabilizing life,

Let rise to occasion and minimize the pollution,
Save the nature and avoid congestion,
If nature continues to suffers,
Generation next shall curse their mentors.

Let's pledge, not to play with nature more,
Plant more trees, save pollution and be assure,
Nature will pay back all the dividends,
Giving generation next, a healthy and safe land

By Ashutosh

Follow me-Tanya Shah 9th B
Follow me as I take you to our future
A future full of waste dumped in haste
Trees become a rare site to see
The world being destroyed before our eyes.
Follow me as you go to the beach
Plastics and dirt adding to the beauty
You take a jump in the cool sea waves
And all you get wet is with oil spills and dead fish.
Follow me as you walk through the roads
All you can hear is the “beep beep” of horns
No place to stand, No place to walk
Population increasing more and more.
Follow me as you decide to go trekking in a forest
But what do you do when forests are no more?
Trees cut down, Natural Beauty destroyed
All you will have is man-made forests made of fake trees
No fresh Air, No Refreshing swishing of trees, No place to live, No place to relax
When will man understand these signs?
Follow me just one last time
Because if all I said would be true
Then it would be better to capture nature in a little picture
As trees and open spaces
Beaches and marine species-will just be a rare scenery

Wednesday 24 August 2011

HEY Friends the GANESH CHATURTHI festival is nearing. Lets get started.Lets share information and pictures of Eco friendly Ganpati idols.


Tuesday 23 August 2011

Articles made out of handmade paper

2008 Order Not To Concretize Base Of A Tree Never Followed

Mumbai: 2 days after a woman and her daughter died when a tree fell at Nariman Point on Sunday, the BMC announced that 1.5 meters space will have to be kept open around the base of a tree. Tough such a rule always existed with the tree authority, it was never implemented and that the base of the banyan tree that uprooted was sealed with paver blocks.
In March 2008, the tree authority proposed that 15 inches around the base of a tree in the city should not be blocked with paver blocks or concrete. The space to be covered in mud and manure should have a boundary of bricks.
Tree Authority member Nilesh Baxi said that it was a pity that the directive was never followed. “Owing to the paver block or concrete seal, in many cases water cannot seep to the roots, even during monsoon,” he said.
Experts say the utility providers also caused damage. “There should be more junior engineers to keep a check on trees,” said TA (Tree Authority) member Niranjan Shetty. Decline to comment if the civic body was short staffed, deputy municipal commissioner Suhas Karavande said the post for a junior tree officer was creating two ago.

                                                                                           -Risshi Jain

Beauties of Nature

Nature is the treasure house of beauties, glories and mysteries. It is a panorama of beauty. It is a store-house of wonders, sights, sounds. Love of nature is instinctive in man. Nature, in her changing moods, appeals to every heart. If a man shuts his eyes to the manifold beauties of nature, he soon realizes his mistake. Nature is a book of gold, her every page is a glimpse of beauty.
Every object of nature is beautiful. Nature is one universal mother who gladly offers her gifts. She presents her beauty of a thousand shapes and forms. The sunrise and the sunset, the silvery clouds, the thunder bolts, the lightning, the star studded sky, the rains, the rainbow, the Milky Way, the moon are the manifestations of the beauties of nature. They delight every heart on earth. The lofty mountains with snowy peaks, the limitless seas running up to the horizons, the waterfalls, the rivers and lakes with shinning water sheets, the pearly dewdrops on the green grass are the wild beauty of the forest medleys. The Earth is dressed in a green and gold mantle. Birds sing, peacocks dance, flowers bloom. These myriad beauties of nature add color and grace to our dull life. The great board to nature Wordsworth tell:
                 “One impulse from a verned wood
                   May teach you more of man
                  Of moral evil and of good
                  Than all the sages can.”
The education of nature is of greater depth than that of dusty old books in the dingy class rooms. It is man who sleeps over the beauties of nature. Nature is flawless. John Milton rightly says:
           “Accuse not nature she has dome her part, Man should not be a slave of the money by making himself buy in the getting and spending of money. He should give himself up to nature. He should have a mind that watches and receives.”
Nature is a symbol of God, so lovers of nature seek God.
Harleen Kaur
Akshita Shetty

Monday 22 August 2011

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Lets Make A Difference

shredding  of used waste papers

soaking shredded paper into water

 Nature Club students collected the used waste paper from each classroom and followed the method of making handmade paper.
Thus practically made it possible to recycle our own dry paper waste in the school itself.

squeezing out water from the paper pulp

rolling paper pulp into thin sheets

Friday 12 August 2011

The heart of the world, the environment is broken by chains of money,greed and industries. These chains are held in place by poles of power. Please save the environment from them.....

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Priyanka Jashrani from Class IX

Monday 8 August 2011

Save the aquatic life

ENVIRONMENT - Carolyn Brunelle

Everyone should care
No one should ignore a world so
Vital and green;
Inviting and teeming with life, Mother earth
Revolves around our respect, how we take
Ownership of our actions; and
Never forget our inheritance. We must
Mind our responsibility and pass along
Every moment of beauty bestowed upon us;
Nurture a green future for our children, and
Try to preserve Mother Nature’s gift to us all
                                                ANAM SHAIKH


1.  Trees and shrubs can provide enhanced privacy for urban residents, emphasize attractive views or screen objectionable ones, reduce glare and reflection, and create a barrier for noise and wind.
2.      Trees can significantly alter our environment by lowering air temperatures and  alleviating air pollution.
3.      Reduced pollution, erosion control, wildlife habitat, energy saving & enhanced human comfort are all well known long term consequences of Tree Planting.
4.      Trees remove from the global atmosphere great quantities of carbon dioxide, the major “Green House Gas” responsible for global climate changes.
5.      Trees play a major role in purifying the air we breathe.
6.      Trees provide us with oxygen, which is essential for the existence of life, “WITHOUT TREES THERE WOULD BE NO LIFE”.
7.       The dust particles & other pollutants, which causes major diseases like asthma and lung   cancer, get stuck on the leaves of the trees resulting in fresh air reaching us. Rain then washes the pollutants to the ground.     
8.      Trees act as a sound barrier & provide protection against crowding & noise pollution without these can lead to mental fatigue & stress.
9.      Planting Trees is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to bring about widespread improvement in the environment & the quality of life of an area


SAVE ME!!!!!!

People oh people, please save me,
Please Save me,
Oh! Please save me….!!!!!!
I have given you each and everything,
And this is how you treat me.
I have given you oil,
I have given you water,
And I have also given you other natural resources.
What else do you need???????
I have given you all the necessity ,
And you treat me like this.
I am just asking you for one thing,
That will you save me???????
Just by keeping me clean and healthy
Or else I will stop giving you the resources.
Please save me,
Oh! Please Save me.
                                                  JAI SHETTY
                                                  CLASS- IX

Saturday 6 August 2011

Something to ponder upon.....

Save this wonderful Earth, it's going to die. Help her by planting trees, conserving electricity and natural resources.

" If you kill ME., YOU will be killed."