Thursday 25 August 2011

Sand Mining is a coastal activity referring to the process of removing sand from foreshores such as rivers, streams and lakes. This activity is now often practiced as the demand for sand increases in industry and construction.
IN   INDIA – Sand Mining has become an environmental issue in India. Environmentalists have raised public awareness of illegal sand mining at various places in the country.
IMPACTS- Uncontrolled sand mining can lead to the destruction of the entire river system. If sand and gravel are extracted in quantities higher than the capacity of the rivers to replenish them, then it can result in changes in the channel form, physical habitats or the food webs, i.e. , it can upset the entire aquatic ecosystem. The removal of sand from riverbeds increases the velocity of the flowing water which eventually erodes river banks. Disturbances in the underwater or coastal sand cause turbidity which is harmful for certain organisms. It may also result in the destruction of many aquatic and riparian habitats. Many hectares of streamside fertile land are also lost annually. Sand mining transforms river beds into large and deep pits as a result of which the groundwater table drops and drinking water wells are left dry.
 Thus, I believe that Swami Nigamanand’s protest was for the right cause ! Save the Earth..

Open Drainage systems,
Human being do not realize,
Struggling and surviving human prefers
One day, nature will surely suffer.

Factories & industries releases harmful gases,
Unaware human being still careless
What will happen to the world?
This is my concern for tomorrow's world.

Increasing automobiles on rise
release dangerous carbon mono-oxide,
contributing pollution in day to day life,
Spoiling the nature, destabilizing life,

Let rise to occasion and minimize the pollution,
Save the nature and avoid congestion,
If nature continues to suffers,
Generation next shall curse their mentors.

Let's pledge, not to play with nature more,
Plant more trees, save pollution and be assure,
Nature will pay back all the dividends,
Giving generation next, a healthy and safe land

By Ashutosh

Follow me-Tanya Shah 9th B
Follow me as I take you to our future
A future full of waste dumped in haste
Trees become a rare site to see
The world being destroyed before our eyes.
Follow me as you go to the beach
Plastics and dirt adding to the beauty
You take a jump in the cool sea waves
And all you get wet is with oil spills and dead fish.
Follow me as you walk through the roads
All you can hear is the “beep beep” of horns
No place to stand, No place to walk
Population increasing more and more.
Follow me as you decide to go trekking in a forest
But what do you do when forests are no more?
Trees cut down, Natural Beauty destroyed
All you will have is man-made forests made of fake trees
No fresh Air, No Refreshing swishing of trees, No place to live, No place to relax
When will man understand these signs?
Follow me just one last time
Because if all I said would be true
Then it would be better to capture nature in a little picture
As trees and open spaces
Beaches and marine species-will just be a rare scenery